
A software solution for the planning and budgeting of assets for medium and large organizations.

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Planning & Budgeting

Easy to use, and significantly reduces the time required to create a consolidated plan!

The budgeting system represents an integrated modern practice of financial management. Included are budget planning options, scenario simulations, insight into budget deviations (total, position above def. amount...), forecasts of future periods... An additional convenience is the automatic generation of predefined notifications, depending on the position, authority and subject of interest.

The budgeting process can be carried out based on the distribution of the financial plan, at the level of: companies (multicompany system), profit centers, cost carriers, cost centers, special organizational units, but also projects (portfolios), brands…


Tradicionalna praksa budžetiranja 

Most organizations base their planning and budgeting on the traditional principle of using Excel tables. Characteristic of this way of working is that usual planning and budgeting takes weeks, up to several months in large organizations. 

Planners spend time on numerous Excel versions of documents. In practice, time is wasted on determining the latest version, and it happens that there is no centralized storage of planning documents. This principle of planning lasts a long time and just when everything is agreed, it happens that then the plans are outdated and the process is repeated.

Odoo Budget is a software solution that makes a qualitative shift in the process of company planning, simplifying and speeding up this complex business process.

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Plans consolidation

After submitting all the plans, they need to be consolidated into the main master plan. The consolidation process is usually laborious, many problems appear: incorrectly and incompletely filled excel tables, incorrect formulas, waiting for the individual delivery of the plan, manual rewriting of part of the data and the like. 

This way of organizing the planning process is especially problematic when the "final" plan of the organization is made and when changes are requested, which again require repeating the entire process!

Odoo Budget enables the creation of a central planning model, in which plans are automatically consolidated. It is estimated that the time required for planning is reduced by up to 70%. This system provides the possibility of creating budget simulation scenarios from different angles, which can make a special contribution to the quality of business decisions.

Budget - Public sector

Digitally transformed financial budget management of all organizational forms of the public sector. In municipalities, it can make a significant contribution to the development of local self-government. First of all, in terms of the efficiency of planning, management functions during execution and budget revisions. 

Budgeting process support also applies to state enterprises, with an economically adapted budgeting system,
Recognizable support for the improvement of these functions also gives a new dimension to the transparency of the entire management process!     

The system enables automatic checking of available funds and budget before issuing a purchase order or contract.

The function of automatic reservation of funds on a budget position is sometimes of special importance. 

A special advantage is the automation of the creation of legal reports, as well as the possibility of creating various internal reports.

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