Digital transformation challenges?

Digital transformation is not only the introduction of new technologies, but includes a deeper change in business processes, organizational culture and the way in which services or products are provided. It is a process of adapting to new market conditions, through innovation and business improvement, and often requires changing business models and internal structures.

Survey (needed 2-3 min)      

  Results of the survey on the challenges of digital transformation
Period: Sept-Oct 2024       Survey responses registered: 198 

Our conclusions:

1. A clear need in only 15% of the answers, i.e. every seventh survey participant, is a clear benefit from digital transformation.

2. The problem of assessing the quality of the offer - only 24%, i.e. the majority, more than 2/3, have problems assessing.

3. There is no resistance present in only 4% of cases.  So, resistance to changes is dominantly present.

4. Financing problem recorded in only 12% of companies.

5. The greatest effects of DT are expected in finance and accounting, project management, documentation systems. The growth of interest in strategic management is a positive surprise, with more than a third of those surveyed.